I create projects crossing different creative disciplines like web-design, illustration and street art. Want to get in touch? Let's Chat.
With over 5 years of experience, I’ve been working in different types of projects, with brands like PÚBLICO, Gerador, Galeria de Arte Urbana and Village Underground Lisboa. Being part of such a variety of projects gave me a combine sets of skills that can push your project and idea to the next level.
Your project needs an effective identity? Let's talk about it. Design and implementing your project's website? Of course, after designing your website, you can trust me to implement your responsive website, using Webflow platform, what I design is what your customers will experience live across the web.
Anyone said illustrations? With experience creating artworks for editorial projects and huge walls, lI'm ready to know about your ideia and create a unique illustration for your brand or private wall.
As a multi-disciplinary creative with over 5 years of experience I have the essential skills to push your project and ideias to the next level. Here you can find all that I can do for your ideia regarding the image and website for your brand. Want a cool illustration or a custom wall? Take a look over here to check out the projects I’ve already did.
Designing a project identity is much more than just a logo, you have to consider complementary colors & shapes, integration across several platforms, and much more. Your project also needs an effective and unique online presence, and I can do that for you.
From illustration and digital artworks to the streets with bold colors, powerful shapes and a lot of contrast! With editorial cover illustrations for Público Newspapper or a +85m long wall. One of my main goals is to be able to share my work with more people possible, with that in mind, had the opportunity to exhibit work in Ericeira, Portugal & Tel Aviv, Israel and across the web in a illustration showcased made by Society for News Design.
Any questions? Send me an email for sayhello@effe.news
Take a look at
effe.news or my
Instagram page to stay up to date with more projects.